【美词佳句】 求肖申克的救赎全部台词!!! 有哪些?




  1 INT — CABIN — NIGHT (1946) 内景–小屋–夜晚

  A dark, empty room. 一所黑黑的、空洞的房子

  The door bursts open. A MAN and WOMAN enter, drunk and giggling, horny as hell. No sooner is the door shut than they're all over each other, ripping at clothes, pawing at flesh, mouths locked together.


  He gropes for a lamp, tries to turn it on, knocks it over instead. Hell with it. He's got more urgent things to do, like getting her blouse open and his hands on her breasts. She arches, moaning, fumbling with his fly. He slams her against the wall, ripping her skirt. We hear fabric tear.


  He enters her right then and there, roughly, up against the wall. She cries out, hitting her head against the wall but not caring, grinding against him, clawing his back, shivering with the sensations running through her. He carries her across the room with her legs wrapped around him. They fall onto the bed.   他粗鲁的进入了她,顶着墙壁。她大声叫着,扭曲着身体迎合他,抓着他的后背,随着插入的感觉颤僳,毫不在意她的头抵着墙壁。他抱着她穿过屋子,她的双腿则夹着他,两人跌倒在床上。

  CAMERA PULLS BACK, exiting through the window, traveling smoothly outside…


  2 EXT — CABIN — NIGHT (1946) 2 外景–小屋–夜晚

  …to reveal the bungalow, remote in a wooded area, the lovers' cries spilling into the night…


  …and we drift down a wooded path, the sounds of rutting passion growing fainter, mingling now with the night sounds of crickets and hoot owls…


  …and we begin to hear FAINT MUSIC in the woods, tinny and incongruous, and still we keep PULLING BACK until…


  …a car is revealed. A 1946 Plymouth. Parked in a clearing.


  3 INT — PLYMOUTH — NIGHT (1946) 3 内景–普利茅斯–夜晚

  ANDY DUFRESNE, mid-20's, wire rim glasses, three-piece suit. Under normal circumstances a respectable, solid citizen; hardly dangerous, perhaps even meek. But these circumstances are far from normal. He is disheveled, unshaven, and very drunk. A cigarette smolders in his mouth. His eyes, flinty and hard, are riveted to the bungalow up the path.


  He can hear them fucking from here. 他听得到他们在做爱。

  He raises a bottle of bourbon and knocks it back. The radio plays softly, painfully romantic, taunting him:


  You stepped out of a dream… You are too wonderful… To be what you seem…



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  • 本文由 发表于 2021年11月30日
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