【美词佳句】 地心引力经典台词 有哪些?


地心引力经典台词 1、RYAN:I apologize for not complying. I should've stoppedworking as soon as you instructed me to. 瑞恩:我很抱歉我没有遵从你的命令,我当时应该听你的命令立即终止工作。 MATT:We were gonna get hit no matter what. There wasno


1、RYAN:I apologize for not complying. I should’ve stoppedworking as soon as you instructed me to.


MATT:We were gonna get hit no matter what. There wasnothing you could do to change that.


2、MATT:So where’s home, Dr. Stone?RYAN,where’s home? 麦特:瑞恩博士,你的家在哪里? RYAN:Home? 瑞恩:家?

MATT:Mm-hm. Down there. Mother Earth.Where do you pitch you tent? 麦特:嗯,就在那里,我们的地球母亲,你把帐篷搭在哪了?

3、RYAN:Uh… I’m redlining. My O2 tank pressure is low. 瑞恩:我的红灯亮了,我的氧气罐压力已经不够了。

MATT:Your tank is out of oxygen but you still have it in your suit. 麦特:你的氧气罐里没有氧气了,但是你的宇航服里还有氧气。 RYAN:Got it. 瑞恩:收到!

MATT:So you have to sip, not gulp.Wine, not beer.


4、MATT:RYAN,listen. You have to let me go. 麦特:听着,瑞恩,你得放我走。 RYAN:No.

MATT:The ropes are too loose. I’m pulling you with me. 麦特:绳子太松了,我会把你一起拉走的。 RYAN:No, no, no.

MATT:You have to let me go, or we both die. 麦特:你必须放我走,否则我们都会死。 RYAN:I’m not letting you go!We’re fine! 瑞恩:我不会放你走!我们会没事的! MATT:No. RYAN,let go. 麦特:瑞恩,放我走吧。

RYAN:No. No. You’re not going anywhere. You’re not going anywhere. 瑞恩:哦不不,你哪也别想去,哪也别想去!

MATT:It’s not up to you. 麦特:这可由不得你。

RYAN:No, no, no, no, no… no… Please don’t do this. 瑞恩:不不不不不,求求你不要这么做。

RYAN:Please, please, please, please don’t do this. Please don’t do this. No, no, no. Please don’t,MATT,Please don’t do this.


MATT:You’re gonna make it, RYAN. 麦特:瑞恩,你会成功的。

5、And by this time tomorrow, you’re gonna be back in Lake Zurich with a hell of a story to tell.


6、Oh, I’m gonna die, Aningaaq. I know, we’re all gonna die.Everybody knows that. But I’m gonnadie today. Funny, that.

You know, to know…But the thing is, it’s that I’m still scared. I’m really scared.Nobody will mournfor me, no one will pray for my soul. Will you mourn for me? Will you say a prayer for me? Or is ittoo late?


I mean, I’d say one for myself,but I’ve never prayed in my life, so… Nobody ever taught mehow.Nobody ever taught me how. 我是说,我可以自己为自己祈祷,但是在我这一生中,我从来没有祈祷过,也没有人教过我该如何祈祷,没有人教过我。

7、I get it, it’s nice up here. You can just shut down all the systems, turn out all the lights… and justclose your eyes and tune out everybody. There’s nobody up here that can hurt you. It’s safe. Imean, what’s the point of going on? What’s the point of living? Your kid died.Doesn’t get anyrougher than that.But still, it’s a matter of what you do now. If you decide to go, then you gottajust get on with it. Sit back, enjoy the ride. You gotta plant both your feet on the ground andstart livin’life.


8、It’s getting hot in here. Okay.All right. Okay. All right, the way I see it, there’s only two possibleoutcomes. Either I make it down there in one piece and I have one hell of a story to tell,or I burnup in the next ten minutes. Either way, whichever way… no harm, no foul! Because either way…it’ll be one hell of a ride. I’m ready.


9、You’ve got to learn to let go. 你得学会放手。

10、The way I see it, there are only two possible outcomes. Either I make it down there in one pieceand I have one hell of a story to tell! Or I burn up in the next ten minutes. Either way, whicheverway no harm, no foul! Because either way, it’s going to be one hell of a ride! I’m ready.


11、What’s the point of going on? What’s the point of living? Your kid died, it doesn’t get anyrougher than that. It’s still a matter of what you do now.















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  • 本文由 发表于 2022年3月2日
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