1.It’s not the face, but the expressions on it. It’s not the voice, but what you say. It’s not how you look in that body, but the things you do with it. You are beautiful.
2.You never know how much time you’ll have.
3.Life and love go on.
——I wouldn’t want it without you.
——You wouldn’t want me without it.
5.What if you were stuffed in a human body and let loose on this planet, only to find yourself lost among your own kind? What if you were such a good…person that you tried to save the life you’d taken, that you almost died trying to get her back to her family? What if you then found yourself surrounded by violent aliens who hated you and hurt you and tried to murder you, over and over again? What if you just kept doing whatever you could to save and heal these people despite that? Wouldn’t you deserve a life, too? Wouldn’t you have earned that much?
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