【美词佳句】 全民超人汉考克经典台词 有哪些?



1.Ray Embrey:People should love you. They really should, okay? And I want to deliver that for you. It’s the least that I can do. You’re a superhero. Kids should be running up to you, asking for your autograph, people should be cheering you on the streets…
Ray Embrey:人们…别误会我,他们应该爱戴你,真的.我想帮你扭转形象来报答你。这是我力所能及的事,你知道,你是个英雄,孩子们应该向你讨要签名,人们应该在大街上为你欢呼。

2.Hancock: [yelling to crowd of neighbors watching] What the hell you pricks looking at?

3.Hancock: [to Asian gangsters] If you don’t give yourselves up quietly, I swear to Christ, your head is going up the driver’s ass, his head is going up your ass, and you drew the short stick, cause your head is going up my ass!

4.Mary Embrey: [referring to Hancock] We broke up decades ago. Long before you were born. He just can’t remember.

5.Ray Embrey: But you can, right? You knew? That’s something you might want to bring up on the first date, Mary. I don’t like to travel, I’m allergic to cats, I’m immortal. Those are like some of the things you might want to give a little heads-up on.

6.Mary Embrey: Whatever we are, we’re built in twos. We’re drawn together. No matter how far I run, he’s always there! He finds me. It’s physics.

7.Ray Embrey: Wait, what are you saying? Are you saying you two are fated to be together?

8.Mary Embrey: I’ve lived for a very long time, Ray. And the one thing I learned – fate doesn’t decide everything. People get to choose.


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  • 本文由 发表于 2022年4月28日
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